28 December 2007

Next class = Thursday, 3 January 2008

I apologize to anyone who reads this blog for being such a slacker in posting the notes from Fall Quarter. I have the notes for each session handwritten and fully expected to post the notes to our discussions retroactively, but with the trip to Mali/Senegal, then lots of work when I got back, then Christmas... I just didn't get to it. Now I want to write the story/blog for the whole trip to Mali and that will take priority over posting the old class notes from Fall Quarter.

Nonetheless, in Winter Quarter we *will* be holding the conversation group every Thursday from 4.30-5.30pm as usual and I *will* post notes! Next class is Thursday, 3 January. I hope to see my 3 regular students, from Fall Quarter that day and I hope we get some new students to join us the next week.

The next class will be held Thursday, 3 January, 4.30pm in the usual room at BCC.